2023. december 8., péntek

Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing

Who is really Bishop Philaretos Klimakitis (Basset) 

Bishop Philaretos of the Western European Diocese of the Russian True Orthodox Church is a clergyman that has been in all possible Greek Genuine Orthodox Synods and has left them all for one reason or another... In one of the synod that was led by  Chrysostomos Kiousis he was even defrocked for his bad behaviour. After he destroyed his reputation in Greece, as all Genuine Orthodox synods he was member of had complains about the morals of him and his monk, he decided to join the Russian True Orthodox synods, although still living in the canonical territory of Greece, as their Russian bishops live far and don't speak Greek so he could do whatever he wanted. 

After he has been ordained uncanonicaly by the Russian True Orthodox Church for the territory of Greece, where a local True Orthodox Church has already existed, he started his "missionary" activities which consisted mainly of trying to convince new comers of True Orthodoxy that his synod is the only right synod and all others have fallen in ecumenism in greater or lesser extent.

We recommend to all our readers to stay away from him and his followers who often have a sectarian mindset.