Azok az emberek, akikkel beszélsz és találkozol, nagy hatással vannak rád, a tudósokkal folytatott beszélgetés és ismerkedés új ismereteket eredményez; a költőkkel folytatott, sok magasztos gondolatban és érzésben; az utazókkal folytatott, pedig sok információval más országokról, azok modoráról és hagyományairól. Ezért nyilvánvaló, hogy a szentekkel folytatott beszélgetés és ismerkedés szentséget eredményez. "A szenttel szent leszel, az ártatlan férfival pedig ártatlan leszel. A választottal választottként viselkedsz." Ettől a pillanattól kezdve, e rövid földi élet során, amelyet a Szentírás nem is életnek, hanem zarándoklatnak nevez, ismerkedjünk meg a szentekkel. A mennybe és annak társadalmába akarsz tartozni; részesedni akarsz annak áldottságában? E pillanattól kezdve tölts időt a szentekkel. Amikor elhagyod halandó testedet, akkor sajátjukként fogadnak majd el, ismerősként, barátként.
The people you talk to and associate with have a great influence on you, conversation and acquaintance with scientists result in new knowledge; with poets, in many exalted thoughts and feelings; with travelers, in much information about other countries, their manners and traditions. It is obvious therefore that conversation and acquaintance with a saint will impart sanctity. "With the holy Thou shalt be holy, and with an innocent man Thou shalt be innocent. With the elect Thou shalt be elect, and with the forward Thou shalt be forward." From this moment, during this short earthly life that the Scriptures do not even call life, but a pilgrimage, let us become acquainted with the saints. Do you want to belong in heaven and to its society; do you want to be a sharer of its blessedness? From this moment, begin to spend time with the saints. When you leave your mortal body, they will accept you as their own, as an acquaintance, as a friend.
The people you talk to and associate with have a great influence on you, conversation and acquaintance with scientists result in new knowledge; with poets, in many exalted thoughts and feelings; with travelers, in much information about other countries, their manners and traditions. It is obvious therefore that conversation and acquaintance with a saint will impart sanctity. "With the holy Thou shalt be holy, and with an innocent man Thou shalt be innocent. With the elect Thou shalt be elect, and with the forward Thou shalt be forward." From this moment, during this short earthly life that the Scriptures do not even call life, but a pilgrimage, let us become acquainted with the saints. Do you want to belong in heaven and to its society; do you want to be a sharer of its blessedness? From this moment, begin to spend time with the saints. When you leave your mortal body, they will accept you as their own, as an acquaintance, as a friend.